#90°South 7th Summit

Rowing the Ocean in Memory of My Son
January 01, 2020
Canadian adventurer Laval St. Germain has climbed six of the seven highest mountains in the world and cycled across the Arctic. But his biggest test came when his 21-year-old son Richard, also an adventurer,died in a canoeing accident in 2014. Last year, Laval decided to row across the Atlantic in memory of Richard. Listen to the interview HERE.
Meet Endurance Adventurer Laval St. Germain Avenue Magazine
December 05, 2016
The Calgary adventurer broke a world record this past summer for his solo row across the Atlantic, just one of the many feats of endurance he has achieved.
Laval St. Germain, who currently works as a pilot for Canadian North Airlines, has set national and international records by boat, bike and on foot. Last summer, he rowed solo across the Atlantic to raise money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation, completing the journey in a world-record 53 days.
Read Avenue Magazine HERE.
Alberta Primetime Wrap Up Confront Cancer Ocean Row
September 12, 2016
Although Laval St. Germain rowed across the Atlantic Ocean in record time, his biggest challenge may just be to raise his goal towards the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Alberta Primetime spoke to Laval and his wife Janet about his journey. To donate to to the Confront Cancer Ocean Row you can click HERE. Watch interview HERE.
St. Albert Gazette - Across The Ocean in 45 Days
August 31, 2016
It wasn’t just because it was there. It was also because there are far greater challenges that so many others must face.
Perhaps Laval St. Germain might paraphrase the famous quote from Everest-climbing George Mallory when talking about his own reasons for his recent 4,500-kilometre solo rowing adventure across the Atlantic Ocean.
Read St. Albert Gazette story HERE.
Calgary Herald - Calgary adventurer reflects on triumph, tragedy and taking the roads less travelled
August 26, 2016
When it came to his mode of transport, St. Germain relied on a 1.5 by 6.3-metre custom-built craft that features, he says with a laugh, “a cockpit about four times the size of our dishwasher.” It also boasts the ability to roll inverted and right itself. “The cockpit is fully enclosed, complete with a waterproof door.” Read Calgary Herald HERE.
Metro Calgary - Calgary adventurer rows to France in support of Alberta Cancer Foundation
August 22, 2016
The lifelong prairie-boy and professional pilot took to the water, rowing solo across the Atlantic from Halifax, NS to Brest, France.
St. Germain not only took a more difficult route (most rowers go with the trade wins from the Canary Islands to the Caribbean), but he also did it in record time: 53 days, 8 hours and 26 minutes.
To put that in perspective, he had anticipated it taking as long as 100 days to cross the roughly 4,500 kilometres of open water. Read Metro News HERE.
CTV Morning Live Calgary with Laval St. Germain
August 17, 2016
In record time, Calgary-based adventurer Laval St. Germain rowed across the Atlantic 4500 km in 53 days. This Confront Cancer Ocean Row was in support of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. Now that St. Germain has reached his goal rowing solo across the ocean, he wants to reach his other goal of raising $200,000 towards the Tom Baker Cancer Unit for clinical trials. You can still donate at www.lavalstgermain.com.
St. Germain talked to CTV Morning Live Aisling Tomei to share his story. Including, what was the one thing you craved while at sea? Watch HERE to find out.
BT Calgary with Laval St. Germain
August 15, 2016
Laval St. Germain made it across the Atlantic Ocean - breaking a world record - in just 53 days from Halifax to France. His Confront Cancer Ocean Row was in support of the Alberta Cancer Foundation. You can still donate at www.lavalstgermain.com. He had the chance to sit down with Ted Henley to talk about his adventure. Watch his interview here.
CBC Land Ho! Laval St. Germain has arrived in Brest, France
August 08, 2016
Laval St. Germain has made it to Brest, France in record time. The Confront Cancer Ocean Row has come to an end. St. Germain spoke to David Gray from CBC The Eyeopener in Calgary one day after arriving. Listen to the Audio Vault for the interview, track 11.
TSN Winnipeg with Rick Ralph
August 05, 2016
Laval St. Germain is only days away from reaching his destination of Brest, France. St. Germain left Halifax June 15 for a 4500km solo ocean row. Anticipating 90-100 days at sea, St. Germain is three weeks ahead of schedule. Raising funds and awareness towards the Confront Cancer Ocean Row in support of The Alberta Cancer Foundation, TSN Winnipeg host Rick Ralph talks to St. Germain about his adventure this far. Listen to the inverview in the Audio Vault track 1.
Almost There 660 News Calgary
August 04, 2016
Laval St. Germain, a Calgary-based adventurer is crediting incredible winds that are pushing him closer to his destination. St. Germain left Halifax June 15th and is making record time. Audrey Whelan from 660 News had the chance to catch up with St. Germain via satellite phone. Listen to the Audio Vault track 2 for the clip.
CTV Morning Live Calgary From Atlantic Ocean
July 27, 2016
Laval St. Germain is getting closer and closer to Brest France. After leaving the Halifax harbour June 15, St. Germain is three weeks ahead of schedule. He's captured some incredible video of his Confront Cancer Ocean Row. Talking to Jefferson Humphreys, St. Germain shares some scary moments to some beautiful moments.
Calgary Today Angela Kokott News Talk 770
July 26, 2016
What's your adventure? Angela Kokott, host of Calgary Today on News Talk 770 had Laval St. Germain on for a conversation about adventure. St. Germain is on the Confront Cancer Ocean Row and is three weeks ahead of schedule. Learn more about his adventure. Listen to his interview in the Audio Vault track 3.
Alberta Morning News with Peter Watts
July 16, 2016
Peter Watts from Alberta Morning News on News Talk 770 in Calgary and 630 CHED in Edmonton talks to Laval St. Germain via satellite to catch up with the adventurer on his Confront Cancer Ocean Row. Find out what kinds of wildlife St. Germain has encountered and how his row is going so far. Listen to interview in Audio Vault track 4.
Alberta Primetime Rowing Across The Ocean For Cancer Research
July 21, 2016
Calling from his satellite phone in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Laval St. Germain updates Michael Higgins form Alberta Primetime. St. Germain is a Calgary-based adventurer who is rowing across from Halifax to Brest, France to raise funds and awareness towards the Alberta Cancer Foundations for the #ConfrontCancerOceanRow.
Huffington Post UK Lifestyle Liberty Forrest Interviews Laval St. Germain
July 21, 2016
Laval St Germain: From Scared Little Boy to Rowing 4500 km Across the Atlantic - Alone
Encouraged by his father to be an avid reader, a young Laval St Germain devoured books about adventures, expeditions and explorers. He loved the Hardy Boys, Ernest Hemingway, Tarzan, and National Geographic. He dreamed of scaling mountain peaks, crossing burning deserts, and riding out stormy seas.
CBC Eyeopener Solo Ocean Row Update
July 08, 2016
Calgary-based adventurer Laval St. Germain talked to CBC's David Gray 20 days into his Confront Cancer Ocean Row. From near miss of a Warship to the incredible wildlife that keeps him up at night. St. Germain's goal is to raise $200,000 for the Alberta Cancer Foundations. Listen to interview in Audio Vault track 5.
Donate and follow Laval here www.confrontcanceroceanrow.com
660 News Calgary Laval St. Germain 20 Days of Rowing
July 07, 2016
Calgalry-based adventurer Laval St. Germain is 20 days in to the Confront Cancer Ocean Row across the Atlantic Ocean. St. Germain encounters big but beautiful wildlife on his journey, including a whale who made his presence known. Listen to clip in Audio Vault track 6.
To donate to the Confront Cancer Ocean Row to the Alberta Cancer Foundation visit www.confrontcanceroceanrow.com.
Global Halifax with Laval St. Germain
June 10, 2016
Laval St. Germain is a Calgary-based adventurer. He's getting ready to set out on the Atlantic Ocean for the Confront Cancer Ocean Row, rowing across from Halifax to France. Global Halifax caught up with St. Germain before he left. St. Germain anticipates 90 to 100 days at sea. But he's fully prepared and is anticipating any issues that may come up.
CBC The Homestretch
June 17, 2016
CBC The Homestretch, Calgary, Alta. - A Calgary man is putting his life on hold for three months to attempt a perilous journey — isolated on a tiny rowing boat as it's tossed about in the Atlantic Ocean — on behalf of the 43 Albertans who are diagnosed with cancer each day.
Laval St. Germain has just embarked on a 4,500-kilometre solo row from Halifax to France to raise $200,000 for cancer research in the province. Listen to interview in Audio Vault track 7.
Alberta Primetime Interview
June 14, 2016
June 14, 2015, Calgary, Alta. - Laval St. Germain is about to leave from the safety of the Halifax Harbour for a 4,500 km solo ocean row across the Atlantic to France. St. Germain’s Confront Cancer Ocean Row is in support of the Alberta Cancer Foundation with funds going directly to the Tom Baker Cancer Centre and Clinical Trials. St. Germain’s family arrived in Halifax in 1643 from France. Ironically he’ll be rowing the same route his family took nearly 400 years ago.
660 News Calgary
June 15, 2016
First he tackled Mount Everest — and now an ocean.
Calgary adventurer Laval St. Germain left Halifax Wednesday morning, on a specially designed rowing boat, bound for France.
The three month journey, dubbed the Confront Cancer Ocean Row, is raising money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation and Tom Baker Cancer Centre. Read 660 News HERE and listen to intrview in Audio Vault track 8.
660 News Laval St. Germain Set to Shove Off
June 09, 2016
A generous team of sponsors and specialists has come together to support St. Germain in his adventure. An old proverb states: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” St.Germain’s team will help him go far in the #ConfrontCancerOceanRow. Listen to clip in Audio Vault track 9.
May 27, 2016
The biggest question Laval gets is, "Why?" Why is laval about to embark on a 4500 km solo row across the Atlantic Ocean?
Watch as Laval talks to Scott Fee from Global Calgary as to why he's doing this and what he hopes to accomplish.
CBC Eyeopener Laval St Germain to Row Row Row Across the Ocean
April 15, 2016
We speak with a Calgary man who is getting ready to row 4,500 kms across the Atlantic -- all by himself. Listen to his interview at CBC HERE and in Audio Vault track 10.