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Under-Detection of Lyme Disease in Canada

A simple blood test that could result as negative for the Borrelia infection doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have Lyme disease.

A new 22-page report published October 22, 2018 in the journal Healthcare suggests that inadequate diagnosing shows that between only three and four percent of cases are being documented in Canada. The study by Vett Lloyd, a Mount Allison University biology professor, and Dr. Ralph Hawkins, a clinical associate professor at the University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine investigates why the official number of Lyme diagnoses are so low.

This study focus' on what is common when diagnosing blood test. Unfortunately, in Canada the blood tests are unreliable in detecting the presence of Borrelia burgdorferi. These blood tests are less accurate in Canada and the percentage of Lyme disease could be much higher than what is reported across the country.

When you have Lyme symptoms, don’t stop. Know the signs. Consider Lyme. Until there is proper testing in Canada you have to hold on. This is a story in the right direction. Now all we need is to get the proper testing in Canada.

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